BioBlitz 2025 – Meet our survey leaders

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Without our amazing survey leaders, this event would not have been possible. They volunteer their time to share their passion for the Reserve’s flora and fauna and you will be able to join them in a survey.

Dr Kirsti Abbott is an entomologist and science education and engagement specialist who is the Head of Science at Museum and Art Gallery of the NT (MAGNT).
Professor Alan Andersen is an ant biodiversity scientist based at Charles Darwin University who has been researching the remarkable diversity of ant communities in the Northern Territory for nearly 40 years.
Dr Bryan Baker is a Darwin-based environmental scientist with a keen interest in the birds of the Northern Territory. Bryan will be supported by other members of the BirdLife Top End engagement team.
Professor Sam Banks is a Wildlife Biologist at Charles Darwin University who specialises in genetic approaches to understanding mammal ecology in Northern Australia.
Andrew Bell is a member of BirdLife Top End and a former President of the NT Field Naturalists with a long-standing interest in the flora and fauna of Casuarina Coastal Reserve.    
Dr Caitlan Conway is the Lead Educator, STEAM Education Program, Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory (MAGNT)
Dr Teigan Cremona is a research fellow in arboreal marsupial ecology and conservation at Charles Darwin University. 
Dr Nicola Hanrahan is a post-doctoral fellow in bat ecology and conservation at Charles Darwin University and is currently studying the ecology of Ghost Bats
Dr Chris Jolly is a herpetologist at Macquarie University living in Darwin with extensive field experience across the Top End. Chris recently published the Field Guide to the Reptiles of the Northern Territory. 
Trine Kruse is a member of the BirdLife Top End Migratory Shorebird Monitoring Program. Members of this group survey a series of sites around Darwin regularly and are experts in the identification of shorebirds.
Dr David Liddle is a former senior scientist at the NT Government’s Flora and Fauna Division with a special interest in the conservation and restoration of vegetation in the Casuarina Coastal Reserve.
Jordan Mulder is a herpetologist and avid wildlife photographer currently employed by Territory Natural Resource Management. Jordan lives in Darwin and has extensive field experience across the Top End.
Professor Brett Murphy is a Wildlife Biologist at Charles Darwin University and is currently studying aspects of the decline of Northern Australia’s small mammal populations.
Dr Damian Milne is a senior scientist at the NT Government’s Flora and Fauna Division.
Chris Obst is an ecologist at the NT Government’s Department of Lands, Planning and Environment, who works in vegetation monitoring and assessment. 
Mitch Rose is the Advocacy Officer at BirdLife Top End with years of experience observing the birds of Timor and, more recently, Darwin. 
Dr Laura Ruykys is a scientist at the NT Government’s Flora and Fauna Division. 
Damien Stanioch is a Senior Wildlife Officer at the Parks and Wildlife Commission of the NT.